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Welcome to GADC - where ideas are born, and the digital future is created today

Welcome to the world of the Global Alliance of Digital Creators!

We are thrilled to welcome you to our digital community, where every member contributes their unique perspective to shaping the future.

In GADC, we are a diverse group of bright and creative individuals, companies, and organizations, united by our shared goal of collectively tackling the challenges and issues of the digital transition, leveraging our knowledge, responsibility, new technologies, and innovations.

We strive to create a world where creativity and technology come together to bring incredible ideas and solutions to life, capable of changing the world for the better. Our mission is simple: we aim to inspire, support, and promote the development of the digital community and innovation worldwide.

In GADC, we are building a platform where everyone can find their place - from aspiring content creators or digital nomads to experienced developers, from startups to large corporations.

Explore our projects and initiatives on the website and join us! Together, we will create a cyber universe and shape our own platform "Cybernation"!

Together, we are stronger!












Global Alliance of Digital Creators - Cybernation

Collaborative Synergy

Our vision at GADC is to harness the synergy of collaboration, transcending traditional competition, and to usher in a new era of digital innovation. We aim to leverage collective expertise and resources to build sustainable solutions that serve the common good.

view the charter

Innovative Approach

GADC is at the forefront of global digital integration, deploying cutting-edge technology and fostering international partnerships to enhance connectivity. We are dedicated to creating smart, standardized systems that address the challenges of our digital future.

view the charter

Learning Revolution

At GADC, we're committed to creating a seamless educational experience through our International University of Digital Technologies. Our mobile platforms offer unparalleled access to specialized knowledge in digital specialties, enabling learning and growth anywhere, anytime.

view the charter
GADC id card

Mission and main task of GADC

Promoting peaceful societal development through advanced achievements in digital technologies and AI, addressing globally significant challenges hazardous to humanity;

Protecting the interests and rights of Alliance members;

Supporting and fostering digital creativity and innovation;

Solidifying the digital community, fostering mutual development, exchanging experiences and information among Alliance members for constructive purposes;

Promoting the ideas and principles of structuring innovative platforms "Сybernation" and "Cybercity", advancing progressive reform, digital education, and societal digital transformation;

Facilitating the development and implementation of software, applied technologies, and digitization based on AI and neural networks in various spheres of human activity;

Developing principles of self-regulation, the foundation of digital law and digital democracy, standards and codes in the digital sphere, ethics of social interaction for the prosperity of human civilization.

The Global Alliance is a voluntary association of legal entities and individuals acting in constructive interests.


GADC - innovative decentralized platform

In the era of digitalization and globalization, there is a need for innovative forms of uniting professionals in the field of AI, digital products, software, and content creation, as this is the driving force of this era.

The Global Alliance of Digital Creators (GADC) is a free movement in the global internet that brings together the interests of companies, organizations, and citizens from around the world who are shaping the digital future.

GADC aims to become a beacon and platform for anyone seeking support, education, and collaboration in the field of digital products and creativity. It will also serve as an organization that initiates and implements ideas, models, and concepts of digital transition.

An important feature of GADC is its organizational and technological structure. Admission to the cyber-state is based on membership in the alliance, utilizing blockchain technology for management, identification, and protection of members' rights. This ensures maximum transparency, security, and democracy in decision-making and organization management.

Members of the Global Alliance of Digital Creators (GADC) are provided with privileged access to the platform's resources and databases, a discount system for a wide range of services, including legal assistance and consultations, diplomatic and consular support, SOS assistance for digital nomads in difficult situations, protection of copyright and intellectual property rights, significant discounts on education at the Free University of Digital Technologies, assistance in obtaining a Digital Nomad Visa or residency in the Alliance's global project of free economic digital zones "Cybercity" in different countries around the world, and more.

Membership in the Global Alliance of Digital Creators (GADC) can offer a number of significant benefits not only to companies but also to individual digital creators and digital nomads.


Types of activities digital solutions

Promotion of Global Digital Integration: Development and implementation of international projects and programs aimed at enhancing global digital connectivity in various aspects of human life and access to digital resources for the development, security, and universal well-being of humanity.

Establishment of International Educational Platforms: creation and development of an international University of Digital Technologies based on AI and specialized neural networks and blockchain with remote unbiased and objective machine education in new digital specialties and global education standards, to radically change the paradigm of education, making it more accessible, personalized, and relevant to the needs of a modern technologically advanced society.

Creation and development of platforms for courses and professional development of civil servants and top managers of corporations in the field of digitization of management.

Development and support of online platforms, schools, and courses accessible to students worldwide to promote global education in digital technologies.

Creation and support of free economic digital zones "Cybercities" with special tax regimes, a network of innovative laboratories, and business incubators to support international and national startups and research projects in the field of AI and new digital technologies in various countries in need of digitization and technological progress.

Creation of a unified database and electronic registries of intellectual property of digital objects on the blockchain. Establishment of a copyright protection and licensing system, as well as efficient systems for application and commercialization.

Establishment of a guild of professional mediators and an International Commercial Arbitration Court as structural units for dispute resolution in the field of digital technologies and property.

Development and use of proprietary accounting tokens for internal operations, exchange of services and resources, as well as for services, consultations, and interaction with cryptocurrencies for diversification and increasing the organization's income.

Licensing and Intellectual Property: granting licenses for technologies developed within the GADC to commercial companies and other organizations.

GADC id card

Members of GADC are offered

Access to educational resources and training programs, a wide range of online courses, webinars, and masterclasses, the opportunity for further education through various educational programs, and obtaining qualification certificates both on the GADC platform and at the Free University of Digital Technologies.

Invitations to exclusive events, conferences, and meetups organized by GADC to meet like-minded individuals and professionals from the industry worldwide, networking opportunities, exchange of experiences, and creating partnerships with other digital creators and companies through the TeleDigi social network.

Access to cutting-edge tools and technologies, software, and platforms that can be used in the creative process or to enhance productivity, receiving technical support and consultations on the use of various digital technologies from partners.

Support and protection of rights, including copyright and intellectual property rights, access to legal support on intellectual property, copyright, and other legal aspects of digital creativity, representation of members' interests in governmental and international organizations to protect the rights of digital creators and digital nomads.

Financial opportunities and benefits, access to grants, funds, and financing opportunities for the development of own projects and initiatives, discounts and special offers on products and services from GADC projects and partners.

Opportunities to monetize their work and services through the GADC platform, receiving payment, including through FCU tokens with automatic conversion into other currencies. This may include selling digital content, licenses for the use of digital products, work, or provision of services.

Each GADC member receives a personal ID integrated with a crypto- and multi-currency wallet at the Alliance's partner bank, ensuring secure and convenient management of FCU funds, etc.


The Format of Freedom.

The proposed conceptual book by German journalist, futurist, and researcher Franz Joseph Schmidt is of interest to the digital community and all those intrigued by the future, formats of digital transformation, and the possibilities and consequences ofinfluencing ongoing processes.

The book holds practical significance, as it is based on examples of civil initiatives by European non-governmental organizations aimed at peaceful transformation of humanity into the digital era. According to the author, the driving force of the digital transition is the advanced community of digital creators, who are capable of playing a positive and influential role in the development of digital democracy and in the global processes of human civilisation.

Special deal

Proceeds from the sale of the book go to the non-profit organization Futurum Platform. Individuals who have purchased the book may, if they wish, send proof of purchase to the email and receive, in addition to the book, a certificate for participation in the founding meeting and membership for the first year in the Global Alliance of Digital Creators. A numbered certificate is sent to the applicant by email.

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